Test Instance

This is the test instance of the TU Graz Repository.

Research Results

Research results is the collective term for all the results of a research project. They describe the data, source code and all digital objects on which publication results are based. These include the tools used to collect and process the research data. The following links offer the possibility to add research results to the repository, but also to search for the results of other people.


The section of publications covers citations from several areas. Open Access papers are imported from Pure. Publications from Open Access publishers are shared. Digital copies are offered. University publications are made available to a wide range of people. The following link offers the possibility to search among publications.

Educational Resources

In this area, you can upload your openly licensed educational content (OER, Open Educational Resources) and search for educational resources uploaded by others. Your uploaded content will be automatically transferred to the OERhub.at. To upload something in this area, an OER certificate and activation of your account is required.

Recent uploads

2024 info:eu-repo/semantics/other Open Research Result



2024 info:eu-repo/semantics/other Open Research Result



Need help?

We can help with:

  • Upload your research results, software, preprints, etc.
  • Increase upload limit beyond our default policy of 10GB.
  • Establish contact with data stewards.
  • Find individual solutions.

Good reasons to use the Repository of the TU Graz

  • Safe — Your research results are permanently available.
  • Trusted — A service from TU Graz, developed in cooperation with CERN.
  • Citeable — Every upload is assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI).
  • No waiting time — Uploads are made available online as soon as you hit publish. Your DOI is registered within seconds.
  • Open or closed — You determine the visibility of your uploads. A restricted access mode is possible.
  • Versioning — Easily update your dataset with the versioning feature.
  • Usage statistics — All uploads display standards compliant usage statistics. (More)